Jackie, the Cat.

This project was about using a picture from anywhere and cutting out half of it and creating the missing part. I used a weird cat out of a magazine and cut it in half and make it weirder. 

I did this project very quickly and I think it came out kind of funny. Maybe the idea of the  cat saying: "Who are you?" gives the drawing a theme that can be interpreted by anyone.


My friend on the left was the lead singer of the grunge, punk-alternative rock band, Nirvana. his name was Kurt Cobain. He was kind of an alcoholic and drug addict, that explains the crazy glases and hat, but still he was one of the greates song-writers of all time. This project consisted of creating a face of someone famouse using words.

I liked the part of drawing the face, but a hated havind to cover all the lines of the drawing with words. It took me forever.

The Man with the Nice Hat

This is a drawing of a man who's picture I picked out of a magazine. 
I liked the techniques I learned to use. I made the squares in the picture so then I could draw it bigger with the same proportions and use the squares as guides.

I liked the way  my project ended. I personally think this was the most realistic art work I did in the whole school year. Although the shading was kind of hard, I guess I need to keep on practicing.

Joaquin C. 10E